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Common Reasons Why People Wait to Get a Driver’s License

911 Driving School - Waited to Get Your License? Common Reasons Why and How to Change It

Getting a driver’s license is a rite of passage for many teenagers around the country. It is a license to more than just driving a vehicle, it is a token of freedom and responsibility.

Not all teenagers are anxiously awaiting the day to get licensed though. Many put off drivers’ education courses or have no interest in driving.

While there are a lot of reasons why teenagers feel this way, here are four of the more common “whys” behind the lack of interest.

1. No extra time

Teenagers have a lot on their plates and managing it all can become overwhelming. Most are trying to plan for their futures and all their time is dedicated to pursuing those goals.

Keeping up with schoolwork is important to have good grades. Extra-curricular activities like clubs and sports are vital for social lives, health, and college applications. Jobs are another taxation on time because they pay the bills for social lives and fill up savings accounts for moving out.

2. No need for a license

Walking, biking, buses and other forms of public transportation are improving in big and mid-sized cities. If teenagers don’t have a parent or friend to get them around where they need to go, they can often rely on these other forms of transportation.

With so many other options for getting where they need to go, many teens just don’t feel the need to get a driver’s license.

3. Limited access

Not every family can afford to buy and insure another vehicle for their teen driver. This is something that might feel discouraging to a teen who doubts they will have access to a car for practice.

Even if a teen does have access to a car, they might feel like they won’t have money to pay the insurance or keep the tank filled themselves.

4. Fear

Whether it is the added responsibility of having a license or just the fact they could potentially get into a car crash, some teens just are scared to drive. If they never enroll in a class or have a license, they don’t have to confront their fear and find other ways to get around.

The Solutions

While not everyone will be ready to drive at the same time, there are ways to combat the reasons for not getting a driver’s license. Each person will or will not find the motivation to get a driver’s license when they have the time and have a need for it.

One thing that has really changed the driver’s education courses is having them online. The best part about this option is that with online driver’s education classes, they can work on them anywhere and whenever the student has time. This makes driving lessons more accessible for busy students.

For those who are afraid of driving, the one sure way to get over it is to do it. This doesn’t mean you jump straight into a car and drive across the country though. Start small and enroll in a teen driver’s education class. This will help build confidence and feel empowered. When driving, most states will require a responsible adult in the passenger seat to help educate and be a tutor for new drivers when needed.

For those who just don’t feel like they need a license or won’t have access to resources for driving, that will come with time. One day they may want to get licensed and that’s okay.

For anyone wanting to learn to drive later in life, there are driving classes for adults available. Most people who want to drive will end up learning at some point in their lives and it is never too late to learn.

So, if you or your teen aren’t ready to drive the day they can become licensed, don’t sweat it. Work on a timetable that works for your situation.

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